Recrafted 1.0

This page is outdated.

Recrafted is ComputerCraft's CraftOS but with saner
API design.  It's also not licensed under the CCPL,
but rather the MIT license -- so you can freely use
Recrafted's  code in  other projects  without being
legally  bound  to  license  them  under  the CCPL.

All  APIs  are  implemented  as  described  on  the
CC: Tweaked wiki at, with slight
modifications   to  fit  Recrafted's   API  design.
Certain modules  not  written  by  Dan200 have been
adapted from  CraftOS,   relicensed  under  the MIT
license with permission from their authors.

Recrafted addresses several  major pain points many
have with  CraftOS.  It  has  native multithreading
support (not just parallel,  but a full scheduler);
changes  to  package.path   are  fully  persistent;
os.loadAPI has been  altogether discarded;  none of
the APIs provided by  the  system are inserted into
_G at  boot--instead  they  must  be  loaded  using
require(), as per Lua convention.   And, of course,
the CCPL is no longer present.

For  questions  about Recrafted,  or  generally  to
discuss   it  in  greater  depth,  please  use  the
#recrafted channel in my Discord guild.

/> help whatsnew

                 NEW IN RECRAFTED

The  following  is a  non-exhaustive  list  of  new
and/or  changed features  in Recrafted compared  to

Major Changes

  - os.loadAPI has been completely omitted.
  - * All APIs except the standard Lua ones must be
    loaded using  require  before they can be used.
  - * Lua 5.1  builtins have been removed from  _G,
    but can be accessed through require("lua51").
  - Startup   scripts  from  /startup  are  run  in
    parallel as separate threads.
  - Recrafted   has   full   native   support   for
    multithreading  --  custom  schedulers  are  no
    longer necessary!
  - Multishell  can be used even on standard  (non-
    advanced)   computers,   using   Alt+Left   and
    Alt+Right  to   switch   tabs.    There  is  no
    dedicated Multishell program - only the API.  A
    Multishell instance may be started  at any time
    using multishell.launch.

* These  do  not apply when compatibility  mode  is
  enabled - see "Compatibility Mode" below.

New API Methods

Recrafted features a few extensions to the  CraftOS

  - textutils.coloredWrite(...):
    Similar  to  textutils.tabulate(),   but  takes
    strings instead of tables  and doesn't tabulate
    its arguments.  Useful  for  easy  printing  of
    colorized  text.  Returns  the  number of lines

  - textutils.coloredPrint(...):
    Like  textutils.coloredWrite(),  but prints  an
    extra  newline at the end of the text,  similar
    to print().

  - Tables   given   to  textutils.tabulate()   may
    contain tables, along with strings and numbers;
    if a table is present, it must contain a set of
    arguments     suitable    for    passing     to

  - Recrafted's paintutils API  uses the BIMG (Blit
    Image)  format  for  its  images.  This  format
    supports  animations and lots of  other  useful
    metadata,   plus  combining  text  and  images.
    for details on the format.

The   Multishell   foreground   thread   management
functions  should  only  be  used  when  absolutely
necessary.  If they ARE necessary,  these should be
used   instead  of  the  corresponding  thread  API
functions  regardless  of  whether   multishell  is
actually enabled, to ensure proper behavior when it
is enabled.

The foreground thread is  the only thread that will
respond  to terminate events.  Ensuring that it  is
set correctly is therefore quite important.   Under
most circumstances you should not need to use these
functions,  since uses them behind  the

These  should  not  be confused  with  Multishell's
getFocus() and setFocus()  functions,  which manage
the focused tab.

  - multishell.getForeground():
    Returns the foreground thread ID of the current

  - multishell.pushForeground(pid):
    Adds  a thread to the current tab's  foreground
    stack;  the  given thread will be removed  when
    it exits.

  - multishell.switchForeground(pid):
    Changes  the  top entry  of the  current  tab's
    foreground stack;  removes the old entry.

  - multishell.launch()'s   first   argument,   the
    environment,  is optional and may be completely

/> help compatibility

Compatibility Mode

When the bios.compat_mode setting is set, Recrafted
will   enter   CraftOS  compatibility  mode.   This
disables   strict  global checking and  places  all
relevant   functions   and   APIs   into   _G.   In
compatibility     mode,    os.version()     returns
"CraftOS 1.8"  rather  than the  current  Recrafted

This mode should only be used when necessary.   New
programs  should use proper Lua coding  conventions
and therefore work without it.

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